Good news for America is bad news for the Democrats -OT
"Joe" wrote
Legend is....He made the call first thing after he left the podium from
the swearing in ceramony.
Legend is the call went something like this: "OK, I'm in and the illegal
parts you need to get your weapons systems back up are on the way ......"
Secondly, ... Why would we reward a country
that had just held 52 hostages 444 days?
Well it goes back to the trader days on the silk route thru the middle
east. The are very skilled people in bartering and have a keen skill
in the art of negotiating. Ronald by heart was a Texan, but the sad
fact was he lived in California. Had he been a true Texas he would not
of bartered with dogs,
So Jimmy Otter must be a truer Texan than RR? Like all Californians, RR
thot Texans a joke.
Thats one of the reasons I like Bush as president. It's been a tough
hard road the last few years, and he's still stickin to his guns.
Yup, it's been tough watching neighbor kids getting killed and our
retirement investment evaporate. Bush may have been a draft dodger himself
but he has no problem sendin our sons and daughters to die in Iraq or
spending our retirement funds to rebuild it. Makes him real popular in
place like Moe's ....