So sue me.
On Sat, 08 Nov 2003 08:01:53 -0500, Harry Krause
All he's added today is a double-handful of off-topic commentary
expounding on what he finds acceptable in usenet behavior.
So? I tend to like Joe's commentary. There is certainly a shortage
of people on the group who can present a reasonable debate. Agree
with them or not, I prefer to read well thought out positions. I'd
certainly rather read a well presented position that I don't agree
with than a moronic one I do agree with.
Off topic is part of what keeps this group alive. I doubt the group
would survive if the old hands were restricted to waiting for a newbie
to ask the same boating question that's been asked a 100 times before.
I have no problems with the people that see the group has the
potential to be better than it is. The group is currently ruled by
anarchy with the lowest common denominator bringing the whole thing
right down into the mud.
Harry, I personally consider you to be one of the more intelligent,
and well spoken when you want to be, posters on this group. I would
think you would have as much to gain as anyone if this group were to
move a tad in the direction of civility.