So sue me.
On Sat, 08 Nov 2003 11:55:22 -0500, Harry Krause wrote:
Joe Parsons wrote:
On Sat, 08 Nov 2003 08:01:53 -0500, Harry Krause wrote:
bb wrote:
On Sat, 08 Nov 2003 06:24:42 GMT, Joe Parsons
for the time
being, at least, I'll add my tuppence
All he's added today is a double-handful of off-topic commentary
expounding on what he finds acceptable in usenet behavior.
Harry, is there something you find objectionable about someone else expressing
an opinion?
Not at all. But a double-handful of posts whining about off-topic posts
and suchlike seems a
Please show me where I have *ever* complained about off-topic posts. Just one
would do it.
Is there anything I have said in these threads that you can show to
be false or unreasonable?
I dunno, Joe. I only read about five words in each of the posts, since
they all seemed basically to be on the same off-topic subject.
I find that interesting. You characterize yourself as "liberal," correct? And
one of the litmus tests that such folks (which group may or may not include
myself) self-apply is one of open-mindedness and tolerance, is it not? And yet
you say you don't bother to read what I write because you've already made up
your mind about the content?
I'll be the first to admit that my posts often tend to be longer than most. But
I also try to write economical prose that doesn't overburden the reader. I
don't know that the 750 word " obit" was so long as to do that.
But I do find your statement interesting, indeed.
Joe Parsons