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Jonathan Ganz
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Default Good news for America is bad news for the Democrats -OT

Like your boyfriend?

"j" ganz @@

"Horvath" wrote in message
On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 12:51:43 +1000, OzOne wrote this crap:

On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 19:38:03 -0400, Horvath
scribbled thusly:

On Thu, 22 Jul 2004 09:34:47 -0400, "Vito" wrote
this crap:

. Bush's
current folly is an open ended war with unacheivable objectives, more

Vietnam than any other war we've got into. Like Vietnam, it will kill
hundreds then thousands of our best young men and suck up $billions


You are whacked. This is nothing like Vietnam. We couldn't attack
Hanoi. We couldn't cut the Ho Chi Mihn trail.

Only because of the politics of the time.

Today, our troops occupy Baghdad.

No doubt about that....pity you don't control it.
Saddam is in our jail.

He's in gaol alright
His son's
are dead, and we occupy his palaces.

Yep, no argument here....I wonder when the palaces will become
property of the Iraqi people?
The government we set up rules

That would be the democracy you installed, Right?
We are the superpower.

Yep, and because of that arrogance, you have thousands of dogs biting
at your legs.

Licking our feet, and eating out of our hands, you mean.

Pathetic Earthlings! No one can save you now!