Good news for America is bad news for the Democrats -OT
On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 12:24:07 -0400, "gonefishiing"
first i should say i did not support this war at its being.
assuming i buy your agrument for a few minutes
which, by the way, i don't.
....what would you propose as an alternative?
Not go off on unrelated snipe hunts when we should be hunting for
bears. Our issue was terrorism. If you have been paying attention at
all, you would know that terrorists are primarily muslim extremists,
or jihadists if you prefer that term. Iraq was run by a ruthless
secular dictator who was Muslim in name only. He and the terrorists
were natural enemies. He wasn't a sponsor of terrorism. There was NO
connection between Iraq and 9/11 and Iraq was NO threat to us, or even
his neighbors when we attacked. We had destroyed his military in the
first Gulf War.
Don't believe me? How about Colin Powell in 2001
"One aspect of Michael Moore's documentary film, "Fahrenheit 9/11,"
that you won't hear Republicans denouncing is a 2001 video clip of
Colin Powell calling Saddam Hussein no threat.
Audiences react with shocked murmurs. The film doesn't explain the
context, a Feb. 24, 2001, diplomatic meeting in Cairo. Pressed by
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak about the Iraqi people's suffering
under U.S. economic sanctions, Powell reminded his audience that they
existed to check Saddam's ambitions.
"And frankly," he added, "they have worked. He has not developed any
significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He
is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors."
Not only was Iraq no danger to the United States, it had no capacity
to menace such powerhouses as Jordan and Kuwait. So why are we reading
news accounts like this in July 2004: "Saddam's army posed little
threat, Senate panel says" and "Panel describes long weakening of
Hussein army."
impotent dictator?
this impotent dictator has supported the very culture that these terrorists
live in and thrive on.
they didn't just materialize out of thin air with grenade launchers strapped
to their backs.
Actually you may have confused Iraq with Iran, Syria, Yemen or Saudi
Arabia. Iraq has never been linked to the death of one American
through terrorist attack. If it is your attitude that "all them Arabs
look alike to me", then there isn't much reason for you not to vote
for Bush.