Good news for America is bad news for the Democrats -OT
"Capt. Mooron" wrote in message ...
"Horvath" wrote in message
| You are whacked. This is nothing like Vietnam. We couldn't attack
| Hanoi. We couldn't cut the Ho Chi Mihn trail.
| Today, our troops occupy Baghdad. Saddam is in our jail. His son's
| are dead, and we occupy his palaces. The government we set up rules
| Iraq. We are the superpower. We rule, not the United Nations. Deal
| with reality.
...and that my ignorant dipstick sums up nicely how the rest of the world
sees the USA.
Heh... that attitude is why you guys are so well loved globally!
Mooran, You just do not get it.
1st we could give a rats ass what the spitting Nazi'x and the Smelly
Frogs think about us.
2nd Were we loved globely before bringing democracy to Itan?
Were we loved on 911, on the Cole, lebanon, Iraq hostages, first trade
center bombing, ect. All took place before we decided to stop giving a
hoot about what you' and the rest of the world thinks. We are going to
start loving ourselfs. And we are going to kill those that want to
kill us before they get the chance.
We are mad as hell and we are not going to take the worlds radical
**** anymore. Wanna hate us... go ahead we could care less, wanna kill
us, got news for you.... we are going to kill you first or lock you up
and throw away the key.