Why Ficht failed & why 2stroke OBs are thankfully gone (almost:-))
On Tue, 27 Jul 2004 22:29:02 GMT, "JamesgangNC"
I don't agree that there is any future in it. There is no other major
industry that is interested in producing large consumer two strokes besides
the boating outboard business. You simply can not easily design a two
stroke that is going to cleanly burn all the fuel at the entire rpm range.
I wasn't there, but I understand that at the dealer's meeting for the
E-TEC big engine rollout (about a month or so ago), they compared
emissions of an E-TEC 225 to a Honda Civic and the E-TEC showed better
overall figures - one in particular carbon monoxide and one other was
actually better by a big margin. They did the test in front of
everybody at the meeting as I understand it, so it was a live test.
Reducing the fuel charge is extremely dangerous to longevity. At the same
time advanced flow analysis and engine designs continue to make 4 strokes in
cars and motorcylces simpler, more powerful, cleaner, and cheaper to
produce. Most of that engineering is directly transferable into 4 stroke
outboards at a far lesser cost. The advantage of a full cycle to clean out
the combustion products and reload with a fresh charge is hard to beat if
you're looking to have a clean burn across the entire rpm range.
Well, we'll see.
Great discussion topic though. Nice job.
S. Woodstock, CT
"Angling may be said to be so
like the mathematics that it
can never be fully learnt..."
Izaak Walton "The Compleat Angler", 1653