I'm a real fan of Garmin GPSs. I like their software design and after
sale support. You also don'rt need to spend anywhere near the amount
you stated. You just need a basic GPS, not one of the mapping ones or
chart plotters.
As an example, here's one that recently sold for $50 on Ebay
I have one of this model and it's great. Has all the nav aids already
stored in it.
Mike_H wrote:
I have never sailed with a GPS, but with a larger boat now (26'/7.9m) I
would like to sail on Lake Erie to some of the islands.
To do that I really need a GPS, preferably a handheld, that will be
reliable, fairly waterproof and hopefully less than US$400.
Both the eTrex and Meridian Marine seem good choices. Can anyone relate
their experiences with either one, or offer their educated opinions?
Many thanks!
Dan Best - (707) 431-1662, Healdsburg, CA 95448
B-2/75 1977-1979
Tayana 37 #192, "Tricia Jean"