Garmin eTrex or Magellan Meridian GPS or other suggestions?
You do not need a GPS.
You do need to know how to navigate and have a current set of charts on
board. GPS or NO. (Stories by request only) That said....
A GPS should be thought of as another form of bearing compass.
Go and look at all of them and see which one you can make do anything.
Then go to the manufacture's website and get the manual and make sure it
will do what you what.
How easily can you get a bearing and distance to the waypoint that you
set as harbor approach? (or Ballast Island at Put in Bay)
How easy is it to load a new remote waypoint. (If you think you are
going to do it with the cursor on the internal chart - try this before
you count on doing it.)
eTrex is not built as a marine handheld, but the GPS76 and GPSII+ are.
The people that I know that run Magellans like them, too.
Spending the money for one that does more than report LL and store
waypoints while coastal cruising is a waste.
Garmin units waypoint files can be manipulated by serveral free/cheap
software packages. Magellens may come with a usable package. GPS
Utility can handle both.
If the boat has an effective electrical system, get a power cable or you
will spend a lot of money on batteries.
Do I run mine all the time - yes.
If you have other questions, I'm here often.
Where in the lake are you moored? And which of the islands are you
planning to visit?
Matt Colie A.Sloop "Bonne Ide'e" S2-7.9 #1
Lifelong Waterman, Licensed Mariner and Pathological Sailor
Mike_H wrote:
I have never sailed with a GPS, but with a larger boat now (26'/7.9m) I
would like to sail on Lake Erie to some of the islands.
To do that I really need a GPS, preferably a handheld, that will be
reliable, fairly waterproof and hopefully less than US$400.
Both the eTrex and Meridian Marine seem good choices. Can anyone relate
their experiences with either one, or offer their educated opinions?
Many thanks!