Garmin eTrex or Magellan Meridian GPS or other suggestions?
Mike_H wrote:
I have never sailed with a GPS, but with a larger boat now (26'/7.9m) I
would like to sail on Lake Erie to some of the islands.
To do that I really need a GPS, preferably a handheld, that will be
reliable, fairly waterproof and hopefully less than US$400.
Both the eTrex and Meridian Marine seem good choices. Can anyone relate
their experiences with either one, or offer their educated opinions?
Many thanks!
Seems to me that having sailed (presumably successfully) without one,
that you really don't need one! :-) but since you think you do, the
E-Trex will work fine for you. As another poster suggested, using it as
supporting or secondary form of compass steering is a useful way to use
the technology. I'm all over Lake Huron, Georgian Bay and the North
Channel with an E-Trex as a backup to basic chart reading and dr
navigation and it's all good. In the end, you have to know where you
are without a device telling you 'cause if the power fails....