Bruce in Alaska wrote:
That just isn't the case. My First Telegraph is here on the wall
and is a Lifetime Permit. Says so right on it, in the Experation Date
field is printed "Lifetime".
The FCC wrote"
"First Class licenses were converted to lifetime GROL's provided that
they were renewed prior to or after June 14, 1984. If these licenses
were not renewed at that time, they would have expired and no longer be
in the database.
GMDSS licenses have a 5-year term with a 5-year grace period. If a GMDSS
license expired and was not renewed within the grace period, it too
would no longer be in the database.
Should you have any further questions or need additional information,
please continue to contact us by email or call the Auctions/ULS Hotline
at 1-877-480-3201, selecting option 2 after the main menu recording.
Agent 3852 dmk
So there is its folks ... what's in the database is what there is ...
anything else is wallpaper or BS.