Yamaha 225 four stroke
I still do not know what you want to reset. The digital tach has both total
hours and trip hours. You can reset the trip hours by holding the set and
mode buttons down together for more than a second. Pressing only the mode
button will switch display from total hours to trip hours and also turn
hours off. On the lower part of the guage are two warning lights. One is for
over heating and the other is low oil pressure. Are these the lights you
have on? Or do you have some light or indicator on your dash that says
your fuel pump is broken? This motor is for sure an F225 4 stroke not a 2
stroke? This is a Yamaha help Tel# that you might try to call.
1-800-962-7926. This # is toll free in the USA not sure how you can use it
but its worth a try.