First Phone?
Just go enter your 1st telegraph in the data base, and if it is valid, it
will be accepted. This is the advice I got and followed from a nice lady in
Gettysburg about 3 years ago when my GROL lifetime disappeared from the
site. Enter your number without any hyphens.
Doug K7ABX
"Bruce in Alaska" wrote in message
In article,
Rick wrote:
Sorry, Bruce ... if your license isn't in the database it doesn't exist.
Other people I know who hold 1st telegraph are in it, I am in it, Larry
You are shown to hold a GROL that was converted in 2001, as far as the
FCC is concerned that is the extent of your commercial licensing. And
besides the GROL or a restricted phone which licenses don't expire?
That just isn't the case. My First Telegraph is here on the wall
and is a Lifetime Permit. Says so right on it, in the Experation Date
field is printed "Lifetime". It was Issued by the Portland Field Office
on the same date as my Lifetime GROL. (Jan. 2, 1985) I just got off
the phone with an old buddy back at HQ, who told me that it is still
valid, and if anyone tells me otherwise they are just "Full of it".
So if the my former employer, (FCC) says it's good, I see no reason to
not believe them. I suspect that there are a bunch of these Telegraph
tickets that are like mine, and aren't in the DataBase, as the FCC had a
terrible habit of loosing track of stuff, before the Operator Licensing
was centralized, back in Gettysburg, PA. in the late 80's.
Bruce in alaska
add a 2 before @