"Flying Tadpole" wrote in message
I see you've subscribed to The Bulletin, but I didn't think our
mails were _that_ slow.
(Mind you, while I know when, and think I know where, I haven't a
clue about who, nor have I seen this before. Especially apposite
now as th Free Traders under other names have taken a whole
century to climb back up, and are now threatened by potential
parliamentary refusals to pass the FTA.)
Bob Crantz quoted:
He is the lunatic poet escaped from the local asylum,
Loudly he twanged on his banjo and sang with his voice like a saw-mill,
While as with fervour he sang there was borne o'er the shuddering
Borne on the breath of the poet a flavour of rum and of onions.
Flying Tadpole
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