OT Kompassionate Konservatism at Work
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Shantytowns Migrate Far North of the Border in Texas
Weak County Laws Tied to the Spread of Squalid Developments
By Sylvia Moreno
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, August 2, 2004; Page A03
CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex. -- Far from the Mexican border and just outside one
of Texas's major tourist destinations, with its popular nearby beach and
bustling port, a string of shantytowns thrives.
Hidden behind acres of tall grain sorghum live some of the area's
poorest residents. They bought the only piece of the American dream they
could afford: a patch of land with no running water and no sewage
treatment or wastewater service. Their homes are modest, made of wood or
vinyl siding. Some live in shacks made of scrap metal or in dilapidated
trailers. The snip
So are you and the other thieves at Ullico donating all the money you guys
stole from hard working union members to improve the living conditions of
these folks?