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Harry Krause
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Default OT Kompassionate Konservatism at Work

jim-- wrote:

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
jim-- wrote:

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
jim-- wrote:

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Shantytowns Migrate Far North of the Border in Texas
Weak County Laws Tied to the Spread of Squalid Developments

By Sylvia Moreno
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, August 2, 2004; Page A03

CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex. -- Far from the Mexican border and just outside
of Texas's major tourist destinations, with its popular nearby beach
bustling port, a string of shantytowns thrives.

Hidden behind acres of tall grain sorghum live some of the area's
poorest residents. They bought the only piece of the American dream
could afford: a patch of land with no running water and no sewage
treatment or wastewater service. Their homes are modest, made of

vinyl siding. Some live in shacks made of scrap metal or in

trailers. The snip

So are you and the other thieves at Ullico donating all the money you
stole from hard working union members to improve the living

these folks?

Uh, as a matter of fact, the U.S. labor movement is involved in

up the colonias, bringing in fresh water and sewage treatment, builidng
modest homes, and so forth, and has been for many, many years. We tried
to get Dubya involved when he was Governor of Texas, and so did others,
but he didn't give a damn.

Sorry, but I don't know of any "thieves" at ULLICO. Earlier this year,
the Republican-dominated Senate committee investigating the company
concluded on Page 4 of its report: "Under O'Sullivan's leadership,
ULLICO Inc.'s new board quickly adopted all of the Thompson Report's
recommendations, sent demand letters seeking repayment of the illicit
profits, and suspended all representational activities of Sidley Austin
Brown and Wood [law firm]. Under O'Sullivan, ULLICO Inc. also fired
[former General Counsel] Joseph Carabillo for cause, froze all
retirement and deferred compensation accounts, and appointed Federal
Judge Abner Mikva to head a special committee of directors to examine
matters of impropriety even beyond those detailed in the Thompson
Report. ULLICO Inc. has sued a number of former officers and directors
over disputed claims to compensation, benefits and profits from these
improper stock transactions.

The company is still shakey, but it is honestly run.

I won't bother to correct the other major factual error in your post.

serves my purpose to let dumbasses like you remain dumbasses.

Perhaps you can also summarize pages 1-3 of the report? :-)

For those who don't know what I am referring to (Ullico stealing from

union members they call customers), here are the links:

There are plenty of more links to the story if you do a google search of

You're citing the mess, dummy...the old news. The cite I referenced was
earlier this year, after Labor cleaned house. D'oh.

How about a link then? D'oh.

You pretend to be educated. Go look for it. Here's a hint: Business Week
ran a piece earlier this year.

"There's an old saying in Tennessee - I know it's in Texas, probably in
Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me -
you can't get fooled again." -George W. Bush, Nashville, Tenn., Sept.
17, 2002