"Jerry Peters" wrote
Hello group - This is my second post regarding SSB installation
Three quick questions if I may. First, I understand that round wire is
invisible in the grounding system and flat sheet or screen copper is
required/preferable. If screen is used, what are the critical
characteristics - grid size, wire size, etc? I am concerned that the
is just a bunch of small round wires. Second question is related. It is
recommended to use several isolation capacitors for establishing the
connection to the engine or other DC ground to avoid a DC ground loop
between the antenna system and the radio. Once again, aren't the lead
to the capacitors round wire and won't they "disappear" electrically?
is it important to keep the ground plane below the water level?
My current plan is to laminate the interior of the hulls (catamaran),
and below the water line, with copper "insect screen" and tie it to the
engine ground, water tank, etc with 3" copper straps and pull it all back
a single point at the tuner.
This should answer all the questions you posed.
Jack Painter
Virginia Beach VA