Ham Radio Licenses
IF there are any Ham groups near you, stop by a meeting... OR go to a
hamfest near you if you happen to hear of one being held. There are usually
walk in sessions held. I don't know where you got the address from, but W5YI
keeps a list of theirs. IF it was "their" list, then contact them directly
via e-mail or phone since you're in Texas (if it is a local call for you) -
let them know you got no response, maybe they can refer you to another.
"Keith" wrote in message
BTW, I went to the web site to find an examiner for my test. Sent an
but never got a reply. Anyone know where I can find an examiner for the
Houston, TX area?
Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.
"L." wrote in message
"Jack Erbes" wrote in message
Doug Dotson wrote:
I guess I'm a little behind as well. If I recall correctly, when the
last rule change happened that made 5WPM the speed for
General and Advanced, it was stated that the ITU requirement
was the reason that it could not be dropped entirely. Once the
ITU dropped the requirement, the FCC would iniate action
to follow suit. Personally, I think the code should stay.
Doug, k3qt
s/v Callista
I agree with keeping the 5 WPM requirement. Being able to read an
read a repeater ID, etc., etc., is a good thing. And it does not hurt
anyone at 5 WPM. At that speed you can take a cheat sheet with you
look the longer, harder to remember ones as they are sent. Of course,
suppose there is someone that will have trouble as soon as they got to
those really tough ones with both dits and dahs... :)
-.- .---- .--- .... .
Jack Erbes in Ellsworth, Maine, USA - jacker at midmaine dot com
A CHEAT SHEET???????????????
Buddy, if you're not ready for an exam, you're going to fail. Come to my
exams and be caught and the exam is OVER and YOU FAIL. And that is the
you can expect. Being turned into the FCC for any possible action will
to them.