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Keenan Wellar
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Default actual deaths in kayaks

in article , Dave Manby at
wrote on 8/10/04 4:31 AM:

I(*n the UK which has the lowest fatality per mile driven on the roads
rate in the significant countries of the world it is far more likely
that you will kill yourself driving to the river than on the river.

Mind you, you could look at it this way

Grade 6 is the most dangerous but more people drown on grade 1 water so
paddle grade 6.
More people die driving to the river than paddling on the river so stay
at home
Most accidents happen at home so stay in bed.
Statistically lying in bed is by far the most dangerous thing you can do
as the majority of people die in bed!

I think perhaps "cause of death" and "location of death" are getting
confused here!

In message , William R. Watt

this seems to be a day for odd questions from somewhere deep in the
interior of my skull but I was wondering after reading this newsgroup for
some time if there are any well-known, or even lesser-known, white water
kayak paddlers who have died in their sleep. what would be the "in action"
mortaltity rate compared to, say, test pilots and salvage divers, neither
of these two being recreational activites people pay money to do instead
of earning money doing.


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