Park usage fees; Was: Launch spot on Susquehanna near Harrisburg?
On Wed, 11 Aug 2004 21:42:54 GMT, "Don Freeman"
"MikeSoja" wrote in message
.. .
Thanks, but I aim to avoid the state fees, and it appears that I'll
be able to do so without much trouble.
I don't mind paying usage fees as long as I know that they will go directly
back to the maintenance and improvement of the site I am paying for. Being
on the other side of the country I have no idea if this is the case where
you are at, but it that is so what is your problem with paying them?
I gladly pay the California Fish & Game for my fishing license even though I
only use it 2-3 times a year, and I have no problem paying for parking and
use of boat ramps. I figure someone has to pay for the upkeep, and why
shouldn't it be those that use the facilities?
Just like I don't know what the hell government is doing in the
health care business, I also don't know why the hell they're in the
boat ramp business. Not only is it a state "taking", but it's also
another outlet for state incompetence. For instance, as I said, I
was passing through PA a week ago, stopped to kayak, found my way
blocked by a four by six billboard of stupid regulations, a couple
of which told me I was forbidden from launching my boat. A state
trooper pulled into the next parking lot and I walked over to talk
to him. He didn't know anything. He couldn't even tell me where I
might go to see about a registration. **** 'em. Had it been a
private boat ramp, there would have been someone there to offer me
their services, and I could have agreed or declined to accept their
terms. As it was, I had no choice. And when the state of
Pennsylvania raises their fees, they'll use the money to expand
their domain, and everyone will have even less say, under continued
threat of fines and/or incarceration. **** 'em. I hate the
Mike Soja