Humminbird Matrix pinouts ??
"LD" wrote in message . ..
My lit (for the Matrix 37, and probably all the Matrix models) is, red=+12v;
black=ground; green=nmea in (connect to gps, nmea "out"). I'm puzzled what
you would do with a laptop connected??
"emvsat" wrote in message
Can anyone help me with the pinouts for the connector of my Matrix 35
I want to connect my laptop to the fishfinder, and also my Garmin
eTrex GPS receiver. To do this I want to make my own cable.
Electronic schematic would also bee nice !!
With the laptop I want to download routes, waypoints and software
Can you use a multimeter and check on which pins the different colours
are connected to. The plug in back of the Matrix should have the
following pinouts:
| 0|1
|0 |2
| 0|3
|0 |4
| 0/5
|0 / 6
Can you measure for me please? I suppose that the +12V lead should not
be connected to my Garmin eTrex with 3V supply?