"Ray Fischer" wrote
Ray, that's crap. If you read Mr.Ed's post you'ld see he's thinking
about the issues and why he's voting the way he is. Just because he's
determined, through thought, that the Republicans are offering the better
candidates for his values & beliefs does NOT make him sheep. The
whole point of his post -- that he respects Kerry for his Vietnam service
despite that he will be voting for Bush -- shows that Mr. Ed is NOT a sheep
just following along with Faux News.
It really ****es me off when people do what you just did. You disagree with
the guy so you start a personal attack on him. Save your attcks for people
that deserve them - god knows there are plenty of 'em.
Note: I agree with Mr. Ed that Kerry should be admired for going
to Vietnam at all and I disagree that Bush is any good for America
as President.