Had a Cruisers 26 Bar Harbor II now have a Carver 32 Montego both good
boats, Cruisers a little better quality build, Carver a little sturdier.
"Keith" wrote in message
I purchased a Cruisers 3950 brand new, 1997. Fantastic boat, but brand new
boats from the factory have a lot of little bugs and problems. Used is
better IMHO. When I was doing all my research before purchasing, I talked
shipyards, surveyors, etc. It came down to Cruisers, Inc. vs. Carver.
EVERYBODY said hands down the Cruisers was the better boat by far. They
likened the construction more to Hatteras than any other. Like any boat,
sure to have a very good survey done, both general and engines. The way
boat was maintained means a lot.
Everyone has a photographic memory... some just don't have film.
"Pete Tatro" wrote in message
A friend is considering the purchase of a slightly used Cruisers Inc.
32 - 34 feet long. He asked my advice, but I have no experience with
boats. Anybody have any comments -- good or bad -- that they would be
willing to share?