"Rodney Myrvaagnes" wrote in message
On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 19:50:12 +0200, "Steve Lusardi"
NMEA interfaces are slow and bit serial (EIA RS-232). The protocol is
basic and there is no provision for either addressing or data collisions.
you stated, your solution is incorrect, the device to use is called a
statmux or statistical multiplexor in general. Specifically, there are
multiplexors available for this purpose that prevent data collisions and
allow orderly sentence broadcast. Contact a qualified nav equipment
for further info. These devices are inexpensive and available.
Since Lisa was only proposing a single "talker" a mux is superfluous.
No collisions could occur. The only issue is whether the two loads
would reduce the signal too much.
But, since you mention it, where are there inexpensive muxes? I had
one once until it was hit by lightning, but it was very expensive at
the time.
Rodney Myrvaagnes NYC
J36 Gjo/a
Two loads of the type described will definitely not create a problem. I
concur with your statement that a MUX is superfluous.
Not sure what you consider inexpensive re mux's, but there's a Kiwi company
called Brookstone which markets several flavors, the cheapest of which goes
for $149. I have one, and it works fine.
Max Lynn
First 40.7