How about a new forum? Well you got it
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Paul Tomblin
Posts: n/a
In a previous article,
(Jeff Valero) said:
I just got tired of looking for a forum in an easy to follow
format....So I created one!!!!
I'm constantly amazed by people who come to Usenet, where you can read
over 18,000 newsgroups on any topic you want using any software interface
you want, and where you only have to go to one place to get all these
different newsgroups, and expect to drag people away to their little
ghettos where they have one or maybe two topics, and you have to read
using the interface *they* decided you must use. I'm surprised that
anybody goes to them, too.
Paul Tomblin
"I picked up a Magic 8-Ball the other day and it said 'Outlook not so
good.' I said, 'Sure, but Microsoft still ships it.'" - unk.
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