C. Anou wrote:
I haven't seen a single reason why I'd want to visit your site.
Paul Tomblin
Couldn't agree more. Take the UK as a cautionary tale:
There is this urban myth that one or two individuals 'killed' the NG
uk.rec.boats.paddle by continually using it as a political platform,
challenging British Canoe Union etc. Then some sensitive little souls
started posting messages such as 'I can't stand all the pettiness any more,
come to the forum for right thinking canoeists'.
It's true, it's not even close to an urban myth. Where did you get your
I watched it happen, they did kill the group, almost as effectively as
Timmy wasted RBP a while ago. the problem is, they still are around,
laying waste to any attempt to revive uk.RBP.
And people did, so now UK canoeists got what they deserve. People mainly
flock to a couple of strongly moderated forums where they get blasted with
adverts. On the plus side, forums do tend to eliminate crude spamming, or
do they, because moderators tend to write 'Dear subscriber, you'll find the
full answer to your question in my latest book xyz, available in all good
book shops' a lot of the time.
The ukriversguidebook forums aren not blasting you with adverts... and I
don't feel that they are that strongly moderated. Where did you get that
Personal opinion - support your Usenet NGs and do not use a forum that
suppresses criticism of their advertisers or that discourages lively debate.
Public forums can thrive just as well. Look at the Soulboater forum, the
Boatertalk forums or the ukriversguidebook forums. One doesn't cancel
out the other though.
Wilko van den Bergh wilko(a t)dse(d o t)nl
Eindhoven The Netherlands Europe
---Look at the possibilities, don't worry about the limitations.---