I tried the paddle float but it's not nearly as comfortable and secure as
the thigh support I purchased...which is specifically designed for such use.
The minicel could be used, I suppose, but it might be too firm and apply too
much pressure in the wrong area...an inflatable support evens out the
pressure. Frankly, given the level of my discomfort, forty bucks was cheap.
"Brian Nystrom" wrote in message
Dave Van wrote:
"Don Freeman" wrote in message
"Barry" wrote in message
I am relatively new to sea kayaking and have been putting in a lot of
on the water during the last month or so. A big problem that I was
was numb legs. I tried everything and then saw a "thigh support" (a
inflating, curved, waterproof support....that attaches just in front of
seat using stick on Velcro squares). It worked wonders.
Where did you find this?
Anyplace that carries Seal Line products should be able to order one for
Good idea, but 40 bucks??? You can make a minicel foam support for a
quarter of that price or make your paddle float serve double duty.