Weird Transom Spray
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Matt Lang
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Short Wave Sportfishing wrote in message . ..
On 24 Aug 2004 17:28:02 GMT,
(Greg) wrote:
As soon as you eliminate global warming and subspace interferance as the cause
I would get a straight edge and look for a warp in the hull where the bunks
ride. I am not sure what you would do about it tho.
Nah - the warp is how the boat goes from here to there - it's called a
warp drive I think. The bunks are where everybody sleeps while star
trekkin' across the universe.
I think this sounds like he could have a damaged warp core ... A new
warp core should fix this, they can be ordered from
. Also these cores should be replaced before
antimatter can leak out....
These cores are touchy and most people arent careful enough which can
lead to core failure...
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