you move yourself a bit further back, or just lean back, to compensate.
a small boat running downwind tries to turn quickly into a gust of wind
("broaching"). you have to sit aft to windward and hold onto the sail
or let it out. if you hold onto the sail and fight the gust, and if the
gust dies suddenly, and if you cannot move fast enough to balance the
boat, you can capsize to windward. all part of the fun and challenge of
small boat sailing.
Morgan Ohlson ) writes:
Okey... it should be above the center of traft...
But, when going with the wind.... if I remember right some dingheis then dip
the front (bow?) . Does the mast position front or back matter in this
case... or others?
Comments appreciated
Morgan O.
William R Watt National Capital FreeNet Ottawa's free community network
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