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Default OT BushCo FINALLY admits global warming

I just LOVE it....I wonder what all of you righties, who, here in this
very newsgroup, condemmed science, saying that global warming was made
up by mad scientists.

U.S. report on warming puts blame on humans
White House shifts view on the causes of greenhouse gases

Andrew C. Revkin, New York Times
Thursday, August 26, 2004


A new report to Congress focuses on federal research indicating that
emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases are the only
likely explanation for global warming over the past three decades, a
striking shift in the way the Bush administration has portrayed the
science of climate change.

In delivering the report to Congress on Wednesday, an administration
official, James Mahoney, said it reflected "the best possible
scientific information" on climate change. Previously, President Bush
and other officials had stressed uncertainties in understanding the
causes and consequences of warming as a reason for rejecting binding
restrictions on heat-trapping gases.