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Meindert Sprang
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"NIFFOCBT" wrote in message
Can you integrate several Sensors?.

Of course he can; with our multiplexers :-)

The type of plotter they use can sink and swim someone if
it is not done right. If a plotter is not set up correctly or fails at a
crucial moment then whats the use. You dont use a plotter on a nice

day. You use it when you are lost, tired, or in bad weather.

Triggered by the above remark I wonder why no company has yet written a
decent navigation package running on Linux.
I know this will stir up something, but I have been on a ship, developing
software to control a KVM switch that knitted 12 LCD's and 10 computers
together. All computers were running XP (!) except the one I installed for
controlling the KVM switch. This one ran linux and did the routing to four
selectable internet connections as well. Many of these computers had the
occasional crash, but the only one that kept on running was the Linux box.
