"Wayne.B" wrote in message
On Fri, 27 Aug 2004 16:42:29 +0200, "Meindert Sprang"
And because it's a whole new learning curve to climb, not the most
user friendly system in the world
Mmm... ever tried to install the lates SuSE? Almost like windows...
and there's not much help
available in the world outside of technology shops.
This is really amusing. Have you ever tried to get help for a windows
related problem? Most computers are sold with XP OEM, where the dealer is
supposed to support you. Most dealers only have the knowledge to tell you
how to reinstall in case of a "dark" problem. Call microsoft and you have to
draw your plastic first.
Now in case of Linux, your just post your question in a linux related
newsgroup and within the hour you have a dozen suggestions how to solve your
problem. For free!
All that, plus
the lack of a standardized graphical user interface, means that its
going to be a while before Linux shows up on our laptops.
For eons, long before the conception of a windows-like thing on a PC there
was X-windows for unix. And it's still there. Standard. The only thing that
varies amongst installations is the window manager, responsible for the look
and feel. But every linux distribution comes with the same set of window
managers, of which KDE seems to be the most popular and the most
windows-loolalike. How do you mean, there's no standard?