On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 10:17:40 -0500, "Keith"
Well, I'm using ZA pro 5.1, and as of today, the win security center icon
doesn't show up any longer in the toolbar! Go figure. The Win security
center says the windows firewall is on, but in the windows firewall dialog
box, it says it's off. I still get the little bubble at startup that warns
me my computer may be at risk since the fiewall is off.
I'm guessing it's really off, but the win security center is just screwed
up. I KNOW ZA is running, thank goodness!
Try expanding the firewall part of the security center by clicking on
the little arrows. I'll bet you see that it is actually reporting
that ZA is your active firewall. That's the way it's supposed to
work, anyway. The firewalls dialog box reports on the windiws
firewall only, the security center reports on any firewall that plugs
into the new security interface. It's a bit confusing.
__________________________________________________ __________
Glen "Wiley" Wilson usenet1 SPAMNIX at world wide wiley dot com
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