I was trying to run
Raytech 4.1 and MapSource (Garmin) at the same time
"Glen "Wiley" Wilson" schreef in
bericht ...
On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 21:22:50 +0200, "Philippe"
Is it possible to have 2 navigation programs running under Windows 98SE
at the same time, using NMEA on the same serial port (com1)
Thank You
All of them that I happen to be aware of are for NT/2000/XP. Search
on "virtual serial port" and you'll see some examples. Maybe there's
a 98SE version out there. Alternatively, you can add a serial port to
most machines cheaply. USB/Serial converter, PCMCIA card, whatever.
You could then drive both ports by tee'ing off the cable. What two
programs are you trying to run? There may be other options.
__________________________________________________ __________
Glen "Wiley" Wilson usenet1 SPAMNIX at world wide wiley dot com
To reply, lose the capitals and do the obvious.
Take a look at cpRepeater, my NMEA data integrator, repeater, and
logger at http://www.worldwidewiley.com/