Thread: Sea Trial
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Capt. Mooron
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"Bobsprit" wrote in message
| Sailing a similar boat is not a Sea Trial, it's a test drive.
| Still more than Scotty did. And Mooron and Scotty are still advocating
buying a
| designs who's sailing properties are unknown.

I simply made a factual statement regarding the steps undertaken when I
purchased my particular vessel Bob... I did not "advocate" anything. You are
taking undue liberties with my posting.

I believe the difference here is that while I have been raised around boats,
since I was 5 years old, you are in effect a "Johnny come lately" to the
scene. I have no doubt that you can quote verbatim what you've read on the
subject and profess to numerous day sails in protected waters which never
truly test a boat.... I can calmly assess a vessel based on years of
experience, sea time, foul weather behaviour as well as apprenticeship to
master craftsmen and boat builders....

I've repaired and rebuilt more vessels than you have sailed on. I started
commercial fishing at 13 years old and learned early from my betters. It's
an option you should seriously consider Bob!