"Donal" wrote in message
| Pah!
| You are far too *nice* to be arrogant!
Thank You Donal... that was quite civil... for a change!
| I also suspect that you are a little bit afraid to upset the big hitters.
Do Tell.... Who might they be?
| You never insult Oz, Nav or Wally. Also, I'm a bit suspicious about
| lily livered attacks on the resident fattie from New York!
Both Oz & Nav have been not only insulted but put to run like the curs they
are by me at one time or another.
I like Wally..... he's got potential to achieve great status here with some
work. No need to shake the tree just yet.
| In fact, I can't remember when you last delivered a good insult to
| Chicken!
Please Donal... considering the grade of invective from you and the sum
total of your rhetorical abilities..... it would be like spanking a child.
Feel Better Now? :-)