Yea, he's right...if you have 2 serial ports in your PC, great. If you have
a laptop with only one port, I'd go the route of the PCMCIA Serial Card. I
havent seen any USB adaptors that work 100%.
Serial Ports cant be shared, just so you know. So if you want the second
program to use what the first is using, it wont work.
"Meindert Sprang" wrote in message
"Philippe" wrote in message
I was trying to run
Raytech 4.1 and MapSource (Garmin) at the same time
Tricky combination, depending on what you want to achive. If you only want
both programs to receive data from the GPS, the trick of adding an extra
serial port with a serial-usb converter will work. Be aware though, that
Raytech needs the GPS to be set to NMEA while MapSource probably wants the
GPS on Garmin protocol.
If you need to send data to the GPS too, it gets more complicated.
VirtualPlex-1 takes care of that, since it works with NMEA data only and
can buffer up sentences from more applications and queue them nicely to be
sent to the real port. But with a separate real serial port, you would
to decide which application may send data back to the GPS and hardwire
particular port to the RX input of the GPS.