Did anybody see whitewater slalom events? I did not.
Maybe they were on in the wee morning hours.
Here are the medal results for all but fla****er events.
BTW, isn't it pejorative to use the term "fla****er" now?
Those Olympic Committee scoundrels should be ashamed!
Just think, if Czechoslovakia had not split up amicably,
they'd have won 4 medals! Eh bon, France!
C1 Slalom Men
Tony Estanguet FRA
Michal Martikan SVK
Stefan Pfannmoeller GER
C2 Slalom Men
Hochschorner/Hochschorner SVK
Becker/Henze GER
Volf/Stepanek CZE
K1 Slalom Men
Benoit Peschier FRA
Campbell Walsh GBR
Fabien Lefevre FRA
K1 Slalom Women
Elena Kaliska SVK
Rebecca Giddens USA
Helen Reeves GBR
By country:
FRA 3 France
SVK 3 Slovakia
GBR 2 Great Britain
GER 2 Germany
CZE 1 Czech Republic
USA 1 between Canada and Mexico