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Dave Cook
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(basskisser) wrote in message . com...

It Takes Real Courage to Desert Your Post and Then Attack a Wounded

If Mr. Kerry and his supporters believe that President Bush should not
lead the United States military since he did not serve in the regular
armed forces, than Mr. Kerry should not even claim to defend the
working man since he is living the millionaire lifestyle offered by
his wife's inheritance. As a matter of fact the only indication that
Mr. Kerry understands economics at all is that the inherited fortune
of his second wife is larger than the inherited fortune of his first
wife. And unlike President Bush who once proudly wore the uniform of
the United States military, Mr. Kerry will never know what it is like
to wear the clothes of a working man. The real question is if our
country is ready to elect a president whose view of the military was
shaped by Jane Fonda and whose view of economics was formed by the
inherited fortunes of two wives.

Dear Mr. Bush,

I know you and I have had our differences in the past, and I realize I
am the one who started this whole mess about "who did what" during
Vietnam when I brought up that "deserter" nonsense back in January.
But I have to hand it to you on what you have uncovered about John
Kerry and his record in Vietnam. Kerry has tried to pass himself off
as a war hero, but thanks to you and your friends, we now know the

First of all, thank you for pointing out to all of us that Mr. Kerry
was never struck by a BULLET. It was only SHRAPNEL that entered his

Two self inflicted wounds that he got by being careless. Most of us
would never go after a medal for wounds like that, but the wounds is
not the point. He lied about receiving them in combat. He deserted
injured members of his Swift Boat Team as part of his Bronze Star

Some people have said "Who are you, Mr. Bush, to attack these brave
men considering you yourself have never seen combat -- in fact, you

Bush didn't attack anyone. In fact, he said that Kerry's service was
more noble than his. That must have really gripped your ass. Kerry has
illegally instructed to attack Bush on his National Guard

Rather than defend the congressional record he modeled after Ted
Kennedy or the anti-military activities he modeled after Jane Fonda,
Kerry has decided to attack the National Guard service of President
Bush. He has attacked the President for not attending certain
activities during his National Guard service while ignoring the fact
that President Bush faithfully fulfilled his military obligation and
received an honorable discharge. Mr. Kerry once again finds himself
questioning the integrity and honor of the military. For the military,
without reservation, awarded President Bush an honorable discharge
while Mr. Kerry and his political hacks are questioning the military's
evaluation of President Bush's service even going as far as to equate
service in the National Guard to a dodge to avoid military service.
That is why Mr. Kerry finds himself attacking a man with honorable
service in the National Guard while defending a known draft dodger -
Bill Clinton.

The rest of your post is just more crapola.