In article ,
That must be why the White House is backing away from the rogue Zellephant as
fast as possible. Having him speak was a colossal political blunder. He was even
dis-invited from sitting in the presidential box last night because no one in
the Republican party wants to be seen with him after that disgraceful
performance. It was a similar speech by Pat Buchannan that cost Bush 41 his
chance for a second term. Republicans were all cheering him on until afterwards,
when they saw what a disasterous backfire it was. Presidential elections are
about swaying swing voters. Zellephant scared them into the Kerry camp very
effectively. Please keep cheering for Zell Miller. It will widen the victory for
Kerry even further, and give him a strong mandate, rather than a narrow victory.
That's exactly what I was thinking while watching him speak... he was
doing a Buchannan. Good for him. He's worth something after all.
So far, no bounce from the convention.
Jonathan Ganz (j gan z @ $ail no w.c=o=m)
"If there's no wind, row."