Thread: .ASA is dead
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Thom Stewart wrote:
The Crapton (Neal) was all those thing you've said BUT by God you
remembered them.

??? I remember the Mickey Mouse theme song too, but I wish I didn't.
There are lots of better things to expend brain cells on.

The group is pretty much a creation of his


I beg to differ. This newsgroup was around before the Crapton found it,
and it was much the same as it is now... sailing discussion on a wide
range of topics and lots of banter & blather.

Michael seem to like Bart's way, I've kind of been following your lead.
Nutsy gets to much, "I am" into his style. We are in a state of change
right now. I'm hoping that after the Nov elections we will settle down
and re-develop a Style.

I hope that after the November elections, whoever wins, the divisive
spirit will subside. I don't call other people traitors and do not
appreciate being called on myself.

It looks to me like some people mistake the insults & propaganda for the
issues, and for them, it will never subside. But maybe, they'll leave
the rest of us alone.

I have great faith in the un-monitored formate and a loose leadership,
with a sense of humor is needed.


Let's face it, we are a group of sailors in a Bull Session as in a Bar.
What we need is a Bartender as a leader

I dunno, this group is my favorite example of positivistic anarchy. OTOH
one of the things that keep it that way is that nobody here can do
anybody else any real harm, so those with malevolent intent can only
seethe & stew.

It would be nice to have Tadpole back more often, but OTOH maybe you
should appreciate Scout & Wally, both relative newcomers with something
to contribute... sense of humor too.

My advice is to ignore Boobsie more, and start a few sailing threads of
your own. That discussion of keels you got going some time ago was
great... encore!

Fresh Breezes- Doug King