The one in the first picture that Dan posted is made by Tempo. I have
one and love it. It is dead simple. Works like a charm and requires
nothing more than a few easy strokes of the handle. I tried several
pumps and drill powered pumps in the past and was not satisfied with them.
Dan Best wrote:
I use this one now and really like it a lot. Easy, fast and clean.
I've also ysed this one, and it's OK too.
These, are lousy and a waste of money.
Silverton 31' wrote:
I was contemplating the idea of purchasing one of those, pump the oil
out by your self components. One boater told him he really liked his,
i was wondering of anyone else here has tried it? I find it might be a
good investment so you can change your oil throughout the season to
run at optimal performace. Thanks for posts..