Thread: .ASA is dead
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"katysails" wrote in message ...
Hey're giving accolades to a guy that was planning to run off into
the sunset with Ms Terry.....

His wet dreams only count to himself.


"Joe" wrote in message
"Michael" wrote in message

With the valiant exceptions of a few, notably Bart Senior, Thom and Katy
(and a few others so don't feel slighted I just picked on those of us

have been around the longest) the majority of .asa has denigrated into

pale and for the most part useless comparison of it's glory days. The
sailing content is vastly overshadowed by insipid political commentary

in itself is of no merit.

Some yes indeed do. Yet this is a very important election. Even the
wise ol thom who is best at holding his tounge has put his 2 cents in
the discussions.

Have you forgotten how Capt Neal... thru his great nautical skills
single took credit for swinging Floridas vote. He carried on for
months touting W.

PLEASE..Between Bush and the Unibombers worship.. disquised and
sailing threads Neal would have been invisiable.

Bart does a good job of holding his finger in
the dike but I fear the dike has ceased to exist around his finger.

Well the election will be over soon..Bush will be President...and we
can all get back to the serious world of Sailing.

Especially when any thread is routinely hijacked by the fringe loonies

vie for the unattainable goal 'group leadership?'

Your talking bout Bob right?

It takes more than
quantity to be a leader especially in a free society (does the word
unmoderated ring a bell?) For the majority of the spam propaganda posts
it's just Neal wannabes. He knew when to push a button or ring chimes or
zing in a barbed conversation starting content but the majority of it

always about sailing. And you ain't Neal. BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

Recuerde SFO!

