Thread: .ASA is dead
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Prove me using the secret code words.....
"Gilligan" wrote in message
ASA may be dead, but Gilligan's not!

I've been exceptionally busy for almost the last two years, but for you

Katy, I'll return with all the monkeys too. I miss all my ASA friends and
fell out of touch with a few. This week I'm off to exude my manliness by
hunting North American big game with archery equipment at extreme

In the fresh snow! Manly!! After that I'll take a rest by climbing some
large peak.

I've even been out sailing! Unbelievable - especially considering the
drought and my sailing abilities!

So fret not Katy, Gilligan's here and I'm wearing styrofoam shoes. Get the
Crisco ready!


"katysails" wrote in message
I want the real Gilligan back.....
and the monkeys....
"Thom Stewart" wrote in message

The Crapton (Neal) was all those thing you've said BUT by God you
remembered them.

The group is pretty much a creation of his and without him we' re
struggling for a personality.

Michael seem to like Bart's way, I've kind of been following your

Nutsy gets to much, "I am" into his style. We are in a state of change
right now. I'm hoping that after the Nov elections we will settle down
and re-develop a Style.

I have great faith in the un-monitored formate and a loose leadership,
with a sense of humor is needed.

Let's face it, we are a group of sailors in a Bull Session as in a

What we need is a Bartender as a leader

Ole Thom