On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 02:54:15 GMT, "Phil DiVincenti"
When I bought my new 30 ft express cruiser and after sea trail I had bottom
anti foul paint applied.
It seems that the performance including top end is different. Is it my
imagination or will bottom paint actually make a difference.
I now have a lift and keep my boat out of the water. If I thought there is
a difference is it pratical to remove the bottom coating. Wasn't the bottom
sanded prior to application? so will I have a less than smooth bottom?
Any comments appreciated.
Good question and here is an answer for you.
The bottom of my 20 foot Ranger is painted - no barrier coat. It
performs about the same as it did when the bottom wasn't painted.
However, my plans changed when another boat came up that the deal was
just too good on, so now the Ranger has it's bottom painted, but it
spends it's time on the trailer.
The best estimate I received on the bottom paint removal (soda blast,
smooth, compound and wax) was $3,500 for a 20 foot boat. And that was
from a friend. The highest was $5,800. That was in the CT/MA/RI
Add about 30/40% to that price for your Express Cruiser.
"Angling may be said to be so
like the mathematics that it
can never be fully learnt..."
Izaak Walton "The Compleat Angler", 1653