Ahh...tax dodges...
Nothing like NOT paying your fair share on discretionary purchases, eh?
Especially when CA is running such an enormous deficit.
Everybody who exploits a weird loophole, (like not bringing the new yacht
across the state line until the 91st day) is merely transfering his portion of
the total tax burden to somebody else- often somebody who will struggle far
more to pay it.
If we can convince our state and federal governments to curtail spending, we
can then extend meaningful, permanent, fiscally sound tax cuts to everybody-
not just a class of folks with enough money to buy a yacht and spend 90 days
cruising out of state. :-)
Boat owners typically rely on a host of state-funded services. Purchasers of
larger boats aren't all that worried about launch ramps- but floats and mooring
buoys in marine parks- (not to mention the marine parks!)- are often state
funded. Boat owners fish for salmon and other species that only manage to
survive because state fisheries departments regulate catch, encourage
propagation, and slow down the environmental degradation of spawning streams
and other aquatic infrastructure.