On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 00:09:54 GMT, (Karl
Denninger) wrote:
The RV community has taken "advantage" of this one for years too, and they
are screaming about it.
Its a BS thing Chuck, and its damn time California stopped it.
I know of no other state that permits this. Most, like Florida, permit an
OFFSET for tax paid in another jurisdiction, but California was UNIQUE in
allowing this kind of dodge ONLY for high-ticket, big-spender items
where folks could "gerymander" the purchase to avoid the sales tax.
IMHO this was a "fatcat" special interest piece of crap that needed to go
away a LONG time ago, gerrymandered by the Democrats in California - you
know, the party who claims to be "for the little guy"?
Yeah, them.
In CT it's about as strange as it can get.
Let's say you have live in nearby MA five years and purchased a car
there with MA's 5% sales tax.
If you move to CT (6% sales tax) and register your car, you are liable
for the 1% difference no matter how long you've owned the car and the
tax is not figured on a used vehicle value, but on the purchase price
when new.
And to keep this boating related, if you have a boat purchased and
registered in RI, NY or MA and slipped in CT, you owe the state of CT
a "usage fee" equal to the 6% sales tax you would have paid if you
purchased the boat in CT.
We even have tax-the-tax in CT on items in which a tax, levied as part
of the purchase price, is charged a gross sales tax on the total
amount of the sale. :)
You just gotta love the ingenuity.
"Angling may be said to be so
like the mathematics that it
can never be fully learnt..."
Izaak Walton "The Compleat Angler", 1653