Terrorist Attack at Ohio School -- 13 shot, 4 dead
Terrorist Attack at Ohio School -- 13 shot, 4 dead
Kent State, May 4, 1970. Lessons from History News(c) 2004
The terrorists: Vietnam era National Guard. At the time the Guard was
made up of slackers, war avoider's
Don't overlook the fact that one of the protestors had a gun.
(He was an FBI undercover agent, planted in the crowd to insure that something
*would* happen. As it turned out, he didn't need to use the gun to provoke a
deadly confrontation).
There is a lesson we should all learn from Kent State, even today. Kent State
was a polarized campus. The state governor had suggested that the protestors
needed a good ass whupping- (and made comments after the tragedy that he
regretted a greater number of students had not been shot and killed). The
protestors were so fired up with idealism, they lost respect for orderly
Kent State 1970 = All states 2004.
There is no middle. Both sides telling hateful, wicked, lies about the other.
We are a nation of emotionally driven "fascists"
and "traitors", and there are no leaders on the horizon capable of healing the
The great "uniter, not divider" currently installed forgot to tell us that we
will only be united when we all shut up, sit down, and follow orders without