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"Bart Senior" wrote
My friend Fred was amazed at how high the Etchells
can point. I said wait a second, sheeted the jib in tighter and told
him to try again. He was more than amazed, we cracked off again
and laid it right out the channel like a rocket. Any other boat
would have had to take a couple of hitches. We did it in one tack
with room to spare if we needed to head up. If you haven't sailed
an Etchells, you don't know how high a boat can point.

I haven't. How high would you say she can point?

I didn't bring my GPS, but I'd bet we averaged 6 knots blasting
across the Sound to Port Jeff.

I need 15-20 mph breezes to do that in my Starwind.

I'm not one to hold my water. I used the bucket to pee once
on the way across, when we were heeled sharply. Later on the way
back, when the wind died I peed off the back.
Halfway across I noticed one of the ladies had a very wet bottom
after everyone else's bottom had dried off. The poor gal was too
embarrassed to use the bucket and pee'd in her pants. She never
complained, so Fred and I pretended not to notice.

That's a lot of peeing going on. Maybe her pants weren't designed to dry

It was her first time sailing. Maybe next time, she think about using
the bucket rather than have a wet butt for 6 hours.


Question: What is faster a Mac 26 with a 30 HP outboard or an Etchells
close reaching in 10-12 knots of breeze?

The Mac couldn't even manage 6 knots with a 30 HP ob and a 12 knot
headwind? My Starwind can do that with a 5 horses!

It was neck and neck for a long while. It's not a sailboat, it's a boat
sails. The Mac, turned back briefly to look at my stern. I guess he

to know what kind of sailboat could keep up with his POS under power.
His boat rolled in the waves on his round bilge. I wondered what this

wife was thinking about that miserable ride.

I'll bet she likes peeing in comfort though! ; )

After a while he edged away, heading off to windward. I bet he wished he
had the 50 HP outboard.

more HP would be great in the obvious circumstances, as long as sailing
performance isn't sacrificed. In spite of the beating the Macs take here,
I'd be willing to be most of the Mac owners don't know enough about sailing
to be unhappy with them. Unless they come here, of course.

Shortly after clearing Middle Ground the wind died to nothing for about
90 minutes. We could barely make way, heading up a bit--at right angles
to our course.
Later the wind shifted 180 degrees and even though it was still very
light, I tried to set my new spinnaker.

All hail Odin!
