We've been chiding him on these points all year....he has probably created
another "non-sailor"....
"Edgar" wrote in message
Bart Senior wrote in message
. net..
I warned the ladies to pee now before we left the dock, after
which we'd only have the bucket, and I talked about how we'd
use the back of the boat and everyone could look the other way.
While sailing out, I pointed out to the two ladies, both natives of
Poland, once again that if they needed to pee, to use the bucket.
I didn't bring my GPS, but I'd bet we averaged 6 knots blasting
across the Sound to Port Jeff.
I'm not one to hold my water. I used the bucket to pee once
on the way across, when we were heeled sharply. Later on the way
back, when the wind died I peed off the back.
Halfway across I noticed one of the ladies had a very wet bottom
after everyone else's bottom had dried off. The poor gal was too
embarrassed to use the bucket and pee'd in her pants. She never
complained, so Fred and I pretended not to notice.
It was her first time sailing. Maybe next time, she think about using
the bucket rather than have a wet butt for 6 hours.
Hey Bart! Don't worry-she will never come sailing with you again.
The need to pee fills one's entire thoughts so that whatever else is
on becomes of secondary importance and she must have been really miserable
to be forced to pee her pants. It is clear from your post that she had
figured out that using the bucket was going to be somewhat embarassing
anyway but doubly difficult when the boat is 'blasting' across the bay
probably at a considerable angle of heel. I think you should have made it
clear to your crew that if anyone wanted to use the bucket you would ease
sheets or bear away to bring the boat level while they performed.
you were more concerned with seeing off a Mac with a 30hp outboard!
You are going to have problems getting lady crews in future I think.